Available courses

In this course, one shall learn how to perform data acquisition experiments using sensors.

The following experiments shall be covered:

  1. Mass spring system
  2. Simple pendulum
  3. Forced oscillator
  4. Coupled oscillator
  5. Double pendulum

In this course, models shall be set up to simulate

  1. Freely falling object with and without resistance
  2. Projectile motion with and without resistance
  3. Simple, Damped and Forced oscillators
  4. Coupled oscillations
  5. Double pendulum

This course will discuss the following experiments:

  1. Freely falling object
  2. Uniform motion
  3. Projectile motion
  4. Uniform circular motion
  5. Mass-spring system
  6. Simple pendulum
  7. Physical pendulum
  8. Coupled pendulum
  9. Double pendulum
  10. Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel

This course shall deal with

  1. Installation of Free Open Source Software (FOSS)
  2. Programming tips
  3. Numerical methods to do computer simulations
  4. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

This course teaches how to write simple codes in Scilab such as

  1. Fourier superposition of waves
  2. Formation of Beats
  3. Constructive and destructive interference
  4. Plotting various potentials
  5. Fourier transform of Gaussian function

This course discusses the following activities and simulations for teaching concepts of

  • micro-state,
  • macro-state,
  • multiplicity,
  • thermodynamic limit,
  • steady-state equilibrium
  • micro-canonical, canonical and grand-canonical ensembles
  • Boltzmann distribution
  • entropy

Digital and analog electronics courses


This course shall be sharing and developing resources for modeling theory and modeling instruction of the following courses to begin with :

  • Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Statistical Physics and
  • Quantum Physics

This course shall cover quantum physics simulations using Gnumeric and Scilab/Python

  1. Central divided difference
  2. Numerov method
  3. Matrix method
  4. Crank-Nicholson method
  5. Variational Monte-Carlo

This course demonstrates experiments in nuclear physics

  1. Alpha spectrum of 212Bi
  2. Half life of 212Bi
  3. Gamma spectrum of 230Th
  4. Gamma-Gamma coincidence in Na

In this course, the following activities and simulations are discussed:

  1. Radioactive decay
  2. Binding energy curve
  3. Coulomb co-efficient from mirror nuclei
  4. Mass parabolas
  5. Liquid drop model coefficients using least squares minimization
  6. Numerical simulation of Shell model using Woods-Saxon potential